Shooting, the sport of iron nervs – Moldova Sport reportage


European Championship 2016 – One more step to Olympic Games

Выступление на Чемпионате Европы 2016. Чемпионат Европы в Дьёре это последние соревнования где разыгрывались квоты для участия в Олимпийских Играх 2016 года. За Молдову выступили ... More

Participation of Moldovan athletes to Hungarian Open 2015 Tournament

În perioada 27-29 noiembrie 2015, sportivii Federației de Tir din Republica Moldova au participat la turneul internațional din or. Gyor (Ungaria). La aceste Competiții au participat sportivi din 21 de țări cu un nivel de pregătire foarte bun. Participarea R. Moldova cu sportivii din Lotul Național de Tir a fost ... More

“Dinamo Shooting Cup” – one more step to European Championship 2016

"Кубок Динамо" - это плановые соревнования в ранге подготовки и просмотра ведущих спортсменов к международным соревнованиям, просмотр кандидатов в национальную сборную для ... More

Shooting Championship Central Army Sport Club 2015

В  стрелково-спортивном клубе ЦСКА 14 и 15 ноября 2015 года был проведён открытый Чемпионат ЦСКА по стрельбе из пневматического оружия по нескольким возрастным категориям: взросл... More

Shooting competition in Bălți

În perioada 2 - 4 octombrie orașul Bălți a fost gazda Etapei Competiționale tradiționale la Tir, dedicată a 62 de ani Școlii Sportive № 1. La linia de tragere au concurat 43 de sportivi, reprezentanți a cluburilor sportive CSC - Clubul Sportiv Central "Dinamo", CSCA - Clubulului Sportiv Central al Armatei, ... More

World Military Sports Council CISM, have organized games were participated more than 7,000 athletes from 117 countries.

In the South Korean Mungyeong took place World Military Games, which involved more than 7,000 athletes and soldiers from Army Sport Clubs. Games in the Republic of Korea became the most extensive in the history. The program includes 24 sport events. The first place was won by Russian team winning 59 gold, 43 silver and 25 ... More

Results – National Shooting Championship of Republic of Moldova

Shooting Federation of the Republic of Moldova has successfully completed National Shooting Championship on 25-27 September 2015. Medal winners were the best athletes at air and small-bore, rifle and pistol, which will represent Moldova at World and European Championships More

Eighteen countries guaranteed a spot for Rio 2016

Eighteen countries guaranteed a spot for Rio 2016 Games at the 5th stage of the Shooting World Cup With 153 places already decided, 192 of the 390 athletes will qualify for shooting events at Rio 2016 this year Twenty-five year old German, Christian Reitz guarantees a spot for his country at rapid fire pistol (Photo: ... More

Champions are coming home

Cei 19 membri ai delegației Olimpice a Republicii Moldova au revenit de la cea de-a II-a ediție a Jocurilor Olimpice de Tineret, găzduite de orașul Nanjing, China. Sportivii, antrenorii și oficialii au fost întâmpinați de Președintele Comitetului Național Olimpic și Sportiv Nicolae Juravschi, imediat după ... More