Rules and reports
Moldova Shooting Federation is governed and compliant with ISSF International Shooting Federation, the European Shooting Confederation ESC and other Laws and Regulations Relating to the work of the Federation, Associations, etc. To Comply with Legislation and the proper functioning current, Federation is working with the Ministry of Youth and Sport of the Republic of Moldova and the National Olympic Committee and Sports of RM.
Regulation and important laws:
YEAR 2023
Based on the decision of the Federal Bureau/ Executive Committee on January 10, 2023 – the following Regulations were approved:
- Ethical Code of Shooting Sport Federation of the Republic of Moldova: Codul ETIC FSNT 10 ianuarie 2023 semnat
- Anti-doping Strategy for 2022-2025: Антидопинговая стратегия 2022-2025 semnat 2023
- Approval of the Operating Regulations of the Federation’s Coaches Committee: Положение о Тренерском совете Федерации – semnat 2023
- Approval of the Regulation on Accreditation of Athletes: Положение об аккредитации спортсменов 2023 semnat
- The Athlete’s Status within the Federation: СТАТУС СПОРТСМЕНА 2023
Financial Reports of activity:
YEAR 2022
New statut of Federation: Statut Federatia Sportiva Nationala de Tir
YEAR 2021
Anti-doping rules:
- 2021_wada_code
- 2021_vsemirnyy_antidopingovyy_kodeks
Financial results 2021: Situatia Financiara 2021 FSNT
Information note 2021: Nota Explicativa 2021 Federatia copie
YEAR 2020
Raport de activitate a Federației 2019, 2020.
Raportul Federatiei de Tir pentru anii 2019, 2020
until the year 2019
- Statutul Federației de Tir din Republica Moldova
CALENDAR-TIR-2019 - Lista Lotului Național de Tir al Republicii Moldova – 2019
- Declarația fiscală a FTRM cu privire la impozitul pe venit pentru anul 2015
- Raportul narativ de activitate al FTRM pentru anul 2015-2016
- Certificat de înregistrare al FTRM
- Regulamentul ISSF ediția 2017 actualizată
Other documents
- Statutes – Statutul Federației de Tir din Republica Moldova – Pentru descărcare faceți click pe link
- Shooting Calendar 2016
- Fiscal declaration, income tax Shooting Federation of the Republic of Moldova 2015
- Concise report on sport activity of Shooting Federation of the Republic of Moldova for 2015
- Registry certificate of Shooting Federation of the Republic of Moldova
- ISSF Rules – Regulamentul ISSF ediția 2017 actualizată
Shooting Federation of the Republic of Moldova acceptance of the ISSF Anti-Doping Rules
Shooting Federation of the Republic of Moldova accepts to implement and agrees to be bound by the ISSF Anti-Doping Rules. Accordingly, the ISSF Anti-Doping Rules shall apply to:
- Shooting Federation of the Republic of Moldova, its members, its athletes and all individuals competing, participating or implicated in any continental, regional, or national shooting competitions or events organized, convened, authorized, recognized or regulated by the Shooting Federation of the Republic of Moldova or by Annex A of the ISSF Constitution;
- Shooting Federation of the Republic of Moldova, its members, its athlete support personnel, medical personnel and all other person who is deemed, as a condition of his/her membership, accreditation and/or participation in Shooting Federation of the Republic of Moldova activities or events or competitions to be bound by these Federation of the Republic of Moldova governing documents;
- Shooting Federation of the Republic of Moldova or of any member or affiliate organization of Shooting Federation of the Republic of Moldova (including any clubs, teams, associations or leagues);
- Any other athlete or athlete support personnel or other person who, by virtue of an accreditation, a license or other contractual arrangement, or otherwise, is subject to the jurisdiction of Shooting Federation of the Republic of Moldova, or of any member or affiliate organization of Shooting Federation of the Republic of Moldova (including any clubs, teams, associations or leagues), for purposes of anti-doping.
All of the individuals named above are deemed to have agreed to be bound by the ISSF Anti-Doping Rules. In so doing, they have submitted both:
- To the authority of Shooting Federation of the Republic of Moldova or ISSF to enforce the ISSF Anti-Doping Rules, and,
- To the jurisdiction of the hearing panels to hear and determine cases, appeals and reviews brought under and specified in Article 8, Article 13 and Article 14 the ISSF Anti-Doping Rules and the NADO or NOC (Agenția Națională Antidoping a RM or National Olympic Committee of the Republic of Moldova/CNOS al RM) Anti-Doping Rules.
Arms and Ammunition Act with civil destination – Legea armelor și munițiilor cu destinație civilă
Law on weapons – Legea cu privire la arme
General Police Inspectorate calls for users to be responsible and meet weapons safety requirements in the application and compliance with safety rules to avoid any incidents or crimes. - IGP, 24 decembrie 2014
Safety precautions regarding the handling of firearms:
1. Handle every weapon as if it were loaded, even if you are sure it is unloaded. A weapon must always be considered loaded and ready to fire until the shooter personally ensure the contrary, by removing the charger and drive sleeve to empty the chamber and finds no cartridge in the chamber.
2. Keep your finger outside the trigger guard, namely the extension of the trigger guard until you are in front of the target with the intention to shoot. The finger should be placed next to pull the trigger guard and not the trigger. Shooter finger is on the trigger only when gun is pointed at the target.
3. Never point the gun to any person, but only to the target. The weapon should never be directed by a person during handling. A shot involuntarily be taken into consideration at any time.
4. Consider both target and what is behind it or in close proximity. Identify the target, which is in front, side and behind it. Please note that any bullet left in your gun stops somewhere. Make sure you are not the target behind obstacles that may favor of rebound.
5. Do not use weapons within less than eight hours after having consumed alcohol, drugs or hallucinogens. These may affect their judgment or ability to handle a gun safely reduce the capacity of attention and limited motor functions.
6. Uncharge and store corectly weapon when you’re not in the situation to use it. With an operational gun, not a gunshot occurs only after an inadvertent human error.